The first player then rolls the single die.To begin with, everyone should sit in a circle either on the floor or at a table. Number of Players: 3 or more Best Alcohol: Beer, but wine can work Materials Needed: When the dealer has won against three people, the next person in line becomes the dealer. Play continues around the group this way.If the player gets it right on their second guess, the dealer takes 2 shots. If the player gets it right on their first guess, the dealer takes four shots.Since this is still wrong, they must subtract 4 from 8 and drink four shots. On the second guess, they might guess a 4. For example, if a player guesses that a card is a 2 and it is really an 8, the dealer would tell them it’s higher.If the player is wrong on their second guess, they must find the difference between the value of the card and the guess they made, and take that many shots.The dealer must tell them whether the card is higher or lower than what they guessed. The first player to the dealer’s left then has two chances to guess the value of the top card.
The dealer can look at the top card on the deck, but none of the other players can.
Number of Players: 3 or more Best Alcohol: Beer Materials Needed: